Optimizing a Facebook Fanpage with custom Welcome pages and landing pages can increase thenumber of fans you get. For this, Facebook provides the FBML feature which allows users to add stuffs like photos, videos etc to your fan page in minutes. FBML stands for Facebook Markup Language and here you can add HTML, java, iframe scripts of your choice. A simple optimization will be to add a picture that relates to the page and linking it to your website or blog.

Facebook logo

Steps to Customize your Facebook Fan Page :

1. Open your facebook fan page. Click on the edit page below the image of your fb page.

2. Click on Applications in the left side. Add the “Static FBML” application.

3. After adding the application, click on “go toapplication” beneath FBML. Enter the box title as you wish. For example, it can be something like “Be a fan” or anything of your choice.

4. Below the box title, you have to enter the html or iframe or java script for the appropriate content. If you want an image to be displayed in this area, then you must first upload it to your web server.

5. For making things easier, I suggest using for this purpose. Upload the image there and get the html script from tinypic. Copy the script and paste it in the FBML text box below the Box Title. The script will be looking something like this,

6. After pasting the script, click on save changes at the bottom. Thats it, you are done.

Customize Facebook Landing Page :

If you want to make this FBML page as the landing page, then click on wall in your fb page, then click on options in the bottom below the area where you write to share in wall. It will be belowthe share button. Then click on settings, in “Default Landing Tab for Everyone Else: ”select the fbml page which you have edited now.

Yes, that’s it. Now you have your own customized facebook fanpage for your Website/Blog. Hope you enjoyed the short and crisp tutorial.

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